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From Pixels to Parallel Universes: Oscar Mar on Blending Business, Design, and Creative Exploration

School of Motion

Oscar Mar joins us on the podcast, where he shares his journey from a full-stack designer to a visionary entrepreneur, steering a studio that spans card games, comic books, and short films.

British Columbia based Oscar Mar has been been making waves in animation and design for years, working as a Lead Motion Designer and Design Director at Electronic Arts and Ubisoft. Since 2021, his focus has been on building and growing Parallel, a sci-fi focused studio that is doing some really innovative work.

Whether you're a budding designer or an established creative leader, there’s something in this episode for anyone looking to push the boundaries of their creative pursuits. Oscar's the man!

Check out the full episode:

Here are a few actionable insights from Oscar that creative professionals can apply to tune up their careers and projects:

🔀 Embrace Cross-Disciplinary Learning: Oscar’s transition from graphic design to animation illustrates the power of versatility. To stay relevant and competitive, he suggests expanding your skill set beyond your comfort zone. Learn about adjacent fields like SEO, copywriting, and user experience to enrich your primary discipline and increase your marketability.

👆🏻 Master the Art of Delegation: While Oscar loves being hands-on with design, he recognizes the importance of delegation in scaling projects. Effective management involves trusting your team with significant responsibilities and focusing on strategic decision-making. For creatives stepping into leadership roles, understanding when to step back is key to maintaining the quality and consistency of artistic output.

💬 Communicate Proactively: Reflecting on a costly mistake early in his career, Oscar underscores the importance of clear communication. Asking questions and clarifying doubts are crucial, especially in complex projects involving multiple stakeholders. Encourage an open communication culture within your team to avoid misunderstandings and foster a collaborative environment.

⚖️ Balance Personal Creativity with Professional Boundaries: Oscar learned hard lessons about maintaining professional boundaries when sharing personal artwork at work. He advises creatives to clearly separate their personal projects from professional assignments to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. This separation ensures that personal creativity flourishes without impacting professional responsibilities.

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